Essex Energy Marketing takes pride in assuring that buyers are fully vetted, and able to consummate a transaction with our validated Title Holder / Sellers. And, we work hard to avoid wasting either party's time. Our approach is to be engaged in every aspect of the buy/sell process to allow the sale and delivery of fuels in an efficient and expedited manner. We fully understand the capabilities of our Sellers and Trading Company Partners, and can quickly and efficiently match those capabilities against the needs of any Buyer.
We work closely with qualified Buyers and Buyer's signatory Mandates worldwide who meet the financial criteria required to purchase petroleum products. Our principal focus is on twelve-month Refinery Production contracts. If Essex doesn't believe that we have an appropriate seller to match a buyer's requirements, we inform buyers of that fact upfront, and are then pleased to refer buyers to one of our affiliate partners who may be better positioned to respond to the Buyer's requirements. We know how valuable everyone's time is, and the least we can do is give Principals a straight answer. By the same token, we will quickly determine if a buyer is qualified to make a purchase.
Our fuel suppliers include oil producing Countries, Refineries, and Allocation / Title Holders who are committed to rapidly and securely responding to a Buyer's fuel requirements. Our ongoing relationship with suppliers also allows us to check their offers daily to obtain the most competitive pricing, and pass it on to Buyers.
We have become a reliable source of fuels and crude oil to a worldwide marketplace that is in need of experienced and strongly principled supply firms, and are willing to work hard to produce the results that our Seller Partners expect and Buyers deserve.
We are excited about the future in the fuels industry, and the unique niche we have established for ourselves within the marketplace. That is, our ability to link Qualified Buyers with our Legitimate Title Holder / Sellers whose products, pricing and procedures are well known to us. We are Direct to our Sellers, and our business model requires that we be directly linked to interested buyers. We represent and are paid by our sellers, and have their sanction to directly facilitate transactions on their behalf. Essex has broad authority to engage transactions on behalf of our sellers.
We are continuing to grow significantly by adding new and reliable sources of fuels and crude oils, and adapting rapidly to market changes. Our staff is capable of responding rapidly to those changes within the marketplace and deliver the results our Buyers expect from our Sellers once they have determined they wish to engage with Essex. In short, Essex Energy Marketing enables today's buyers to purchase their fuel and crude at the most competitive price and shortest time possible.
Please click on the following link for the backgrounds of our two Principals, Larry Allen, Co-Founder / President, and Fred Van Eman, Co-Founder / Principal: Our Principals
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